查看完整版本: Where Do I post?

a55paht 2011-6-17 16:42

i personally think this is the best place to post :excellence

windchilly1 2011-7-31 02:27

read the rules and you know
if you don't know chinese ,aks for google translation tools.

huoyan091 2011-8-3 15:18

you need read the rules and do more reply

hunterqwer1234 2011-9-4 15:50

you can post it on this board!

honey_bee 2011-9-9 16:17

also, i am a newcomer, you are suggested to look through the new member zone

q8347876362401 2011-9-9 19:17

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forumdiv3r 2014-3-15 00:39

Good luck levelling up. BTW, you can share some images in this board with us :teeth

mashmaro1943 2014-5-8 19:15

you need to be familiar with the rules at first, dude~

skipper 2018-6-3 21:56

I think if you can not find the place to post, it is not a big deal , because you can still download porn for free from SIS ,am I right ?
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